Saturday, November 22, 2008

Whao! It snowed

It’s my first winter in Europe and I had waited for long to see how Snow would look like. I wanted to touch it and play with it. I had an expectation.

Alas! Today it snowed. I was so happy; I saw what I had long wanted to see.

The real issue is not about the Snow but about expectation and realization. It's about conceiving and receiving, it's about then and now.

There is always a period between expectation and realization. Hang on even if the challenges of this period are ‘tearing you apart’.

Realization of course comes with newer challenges that at present are not known or might not have being envisaged. Nevertheless enjoy your new situation and come up with newer expectations because it’s gonna snow

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It’s my day. I’m a year older today. 9th November every year is an opportunity for me to reflect and expect. I reflect on the issues of the ‘outgoing year’ and expect triumphs in the ‘incoming year’.

It sure feels good to celebrate three decades of living on this side of the universe.

Growing up has being with a lot of struggles and hurdles. The journey this way has being tough and rough. I have cried and laughed, I have failed and passed. I have taken risks - calculated, miscalculated and uncalculated; all for the days, months and years ahead of me - the future.

I really won't claim i know what the future holds but I am resolved to hold on to He who holds the future. I will reorganize my priorities to better align with my vision and conviction. I will work smart to reach my El Dorado.

I am a man on a mission. I am not there yet but I am convinced I will get there.

On this special day, I present myself the gift of hope. Hope when things might not feel as I feel.

It’s my day and I am glad to be alive. I am grateful to God for helping me this far. Kayode Raphael Adegboye, keep moving on even if it does not feel okay. Happy Birthday boy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History, sometimes a Mystery

It’s about half past six in the morning in Bonn, Germany and after staying awake all through the night tracking the results of the elections in the United States of America and then listening to the first speech of the President-elect, Senator Barack Obama, I am consumed by thoughts, reminiscences and the reality that an unbelievable epoch is here.

On one hand, the handwriting was daily becoming clearer particularly as the presidential debates and campaigns were intensifying but on the other, it still remains a mystery how the United States could open up so quickly that the number one seat will now be occupied by a black man, who a few decades ago would have being seen as a nobody no matter the competence or potential he possesses. It is a mystery how fast the wall of separatism and egoism has being broken.

History indeed has being made and transformation and emancipation is here for humanity. I believe never again would any form of barrier hold us back from advancing the course of progress and togetherness. Not Melanine or Keratin, not gender or class, not any potential-limiting constructions by human.

Congratulations to the United States, Congratulations to the world.