A journey that started with uncertainty, worries and concerns ended with confidence, joy and comfort.
It was about two years ago that i started my postgraduate studies in Agricultural Science & Resource Management at the University of Bonn. As a fresher, so many things were new to me - the people, the environment, the daily experiences. Acclimatizing required some efforts and striking a good balanced with everything claimed substantial energy. Could i really claim i kept everything within balance?
There were many events that happened and scenarios that played out that were challenging enough to weaken my resolve to stay true to my purpose and keep my head above waters. But for God, i would have broken a lot sweat and suffered a lot of setbacks.
There were many days that i was down – financially and emotionally. There were countless days that i cried, worried and reminisced about the many things that were slipping out of control. I cannot but give praises to God that everything ended well.
Living in a country that many regard as a society that habours cold, regimented and racially-conscious people, God made it a place of grace and honour for me. A place where my life was beautified; a place of my lauch into glory.
Looking now at the whole period in retrospect, i can say there were some rounds i lost but with the fight, i came out triumphant. My studies went well, my experiences, well rounded and my life, better shaped. I have matured more and i am poised to take my place among the high and mighty. I’m so grateful to God that it all ended well.