Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Denial Deters Deliverance

Denying the obvious is like hiding behind a finger. It’s a waste of time and it does not make sense.

One of the ingredients of freedom is an honest evaluation of the status quo and an undeterred resolve to disconnect from any identified inhibitor to one’s progress.

Denial is a lie; it’s a façade that gradually destroys the inner beauty of every being.

No man is there yet; we all have one thing or another to overcome at different points in our lives.

When, either due to egoism or sciolism, we remain unchanged and undelivered from our frailties and unfavorable circumstances, we end up robbing ourselves of the opportunity for a better life.

Life is beautiful; it can be enjoyed differently than we have it today. Denial could be the roadblock standing in the way of our deliverance to experiencing our new dawn.

School Time

Friday, September 11, 2015

It's 9/11 again!

It’s 9/11, another opportunity to reflect on how misery can redefine history and how vision can become illusion when met by the hand of death. 

Whatever conspiracy theories we hold about the event of that fateful day, there will never be any justification for lives of men and women to be terminated in the manner it happened.

Dreams were aborted and destinies were cut short because of the wickedness that in situs the heart of men.

That same wickedness continues today with men and women who, in trying to force their will on others, use the tool of annihilation.

Justice will be done someday; the killer and the killed will see the face of their creator soon. At that meeting, judgment will be served and history will be rewritten.

In memory of men and women who have ended their journey abruptly here on earth, we remember you as we remember 9/11.