Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Other Side of COVID-19

In starting out, let’s get it straight – NOTHING happens without God’s knowledge. The Almighty God can speak through ‘anything’ He desires to use.

Recognizing the sensitivity of the moments that we are in, I make bold that COVID-19 is a messenger, and God is talking through this scourge.

The ‘lockdowns’, ‘isolations’, and ‘quarantines’ in our nations, and communities are creating unique opportunities for self-reflection. The economic, political, and religious slowdowns are bringing many to their senses, which might have been dormant for a while.

Many are now confronted with the futility of life and are coming to terms with the danger of locking God out of their existence. They are now making their ways right with their creator in genuine salvation.

The shrines (traditional and religious) and their ‘operators’ are seeing less or no traffic. Consultations over the phone or online are practically impossible – unfortunately, most of them run a face-to-face model of operation. Hunger is biting the grandmasters, and the charlatan preachers hard. They will need the Almighty God to survive and not their idols and voiceless gods.

The streetwalkers are in hiding, the raiders, under lock and key. Fewer or no gunshots are heard in our communities, more runaway kids are now forced to attend, ‘life tutorial sessions’ at home with their parents and guardians.

A lot of prodigal sons and daughters are now coming back to their knees in prayer. Many self-anointed ‘representatives’ of God, are now being exposed - their scam ministries anchored on magic and sweet words are crumbling like a pack of cards in their faces.

Several demons are out of work; hell is seeing less patronage. Those who are leaving mother earth now are having their opportunities to pray and confess their sins before departing. Many, are now calling on God for their safety. Satan – the father of wickedness, is certainly not happy.

The name of God, like a seismic wave, is taking over our health care facilities, government houses, medical laboratories, and parliaments. Revival is enveloping our air and internet-waves.

The level of human kindness and collective rallying that we are experiencing is unprecedented.

God is talking and a million conspiracy theories will not diffuse His message.

Post-COVID-19, some will come out strong and sadly, others will not come out at all. Some ventures will disappear and others will emerge.

In closing, May God blesses and protects every front-line worker, leader, and all individual managing COVID-19 globally. May He (God) also console and strengthen every family where there has been any human or material loss due to this pandemic.