Friday, June 19, 2020

Oh! It's June 19th

If history matters, then today matters in history.

Call it Freedom Day, Emancipation Day or Liberation Day, you are still referring to a day, one hundred and fifty-five (155) years ago, when chains were broken off the hands, necks, and legs of men and women of color in the United States.

Following up on President Lincoln’s Proclamation two and a half years earlier, slavery was officially ended on this day, and African-American men and women forced into servitude in the United States were free to go.

Indeed, the horror and pain of the dastardly period of slavery in history still linger today and systemic exclusion and suppression of men and women of color still exist, we, however, rejoice that the chains and shackles that once defined our identities are gone.

And although rough and tough, the path to reclaiming the dignity and opportunity that life should have brought is still on for all blacks and all humans deprived everywhere.

On a day like this, we are reminded that evil exists but will not last forever. Perpetrators of evil acts will be brought to justice someday and posterity may not forgive evildoers.

At a time like this, we are consoled that those bounded against their wish will be free, hope will be restored, life will be dignified and God will be glorified.

It’s June 19th, it’s another day in history.