Permit me to share some thoughts about the past and the future from the present.
Your past might not have totally being your making. You might have had some inputs into it that you wished you hadn’t. Good or Bad, you have lived it. Your past is the basis why you are presently in the present.
The present, whatever it is now was ‘decided’ in the past. Actions, inactions, decisions, indecisions.....brought you where you are now. You may like it, you may not like it. This is your present. You are in today.
The future is not known but the present inputs into the future. We all have nice desires about the future. The future might come or might not come. It might all end in the present.
Hey! Too much philosophy. Stop it Raphael.
Well, what i am saying is:
i. There is no point romancing the past if it does not set an agenda for the future.
ii. The present is worth billions, invest it Godly and wisely.
iii. You future is in the YES and NO you say today. Say YES to God and NO to sensuality, mentality and absurdity.
Then watch how you will stand tall and be a voice in the places that matter.
You have a future man! If it comes tomorrow here on earth or the day after in heaven.
Then watch how you will stand tall and be a voice in the places that matter.
You have a future man! If it comes tomorrow here on earth or the day after in heaven.
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