Sunday, December 29, 2013

On the fifty-second day

And it came to pass that despite the stiff oppositions, ridicules and threats against Nehemiah, the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem was completed on the fifty-second day. On this fifty-second Sunday of the year, I see the rebuilding of your walls and gates of opportunities, progress and safety complete in Jesus name.

You might not have realized that there were detractors and enemies to your plans and visions in the course of 2013, and you made it this far, despite their dislike of your assignment and purpose. God was on your side to strengthen your hands and mind and to give you victory where you would have suffered defeat.

As you move into 2014, live every moment with the mindset that you have risen above every obstacle and that no barrier will be strong enough to stop you from achieving all that you have been designed for. Be purposeful, strategic, hardworking and grateful. It is not yet eureka - there are still more walls and gates to be rebuilt, more oppositions, ridicules and threats to overcome and more victories to celebrate.  

On the fifty-second Sunday of next year, we would have rebuilt more walls and gates to the disappointment of our Sanballats and Tobiahs and to the glory of our God - the one who is at work in us both to will and to do all things.

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