Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Letter to Comrade Ahabi

Dear Comrade Ahabi,

I have some doubt about this ‘fight’ you are pulling me into. In particular, you have not really explained to me why it makes sense to fight ‘now’ and fight this ‘enemy’ of yours.

I respect our friendship and pledge my commitment to helping you.  However, you are asking me to join you in harming someone I see no reason why you or we should harm.

I certainly owe you one but I will be backing out of this one fight. I cannot lose my reputation and life because of your ego. Whatever beef you have with Ramot, please find a way to sort things out. Fighting is not always the best option.

Please accept my utmost regards and if you so wish, you may let me know what you eventually decide on.

Your Fellow Comrade,

Friends, BE WISE! Not every invitation to ‘fight’ makes sense. Pick and choose your battles. Refuse to be dragged into every mess that others create; let them clean their own mess rather than you losing your reputation.

Don’t fight blind; your life is at stake. Refuse to be recruited as a messenger of hatred, wickedness and abuse. Life is precious; it should be lived sensibly.

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