Wednesday, May 3, 2017

‘Alternative Truth’ a.k.a Lying

One of the unwritten codes of life is ‘anything that is obtained through lying has to be kept through MORE and MORE lying’.

Unfortunately, when this trend continues unabated, lying becomes second-nature, destroying every iota of integrity and honor one might have. Oh! what is left of life when integrity, honor, respect and trust are all traded for ‘morsels of meat’ that lying attracts?

Lying, as some now prefer to call it ‘alternative truth’ or ‘occasional slip of tongue’, is like the offensive stench from a decaying product or the obnoxious smell that comes from the defensive spray of a Skunk. 

Great destinies are halted when lying (like many other ungodly vices) drives a habitually iniquitous lifestyle.

Liars are free to aspire for greatness and occasionally may occupy a great position by lying. The dilemma however is that their ‘alternative truth’ approach to life catches up with them sooner than imagined. Liars are generally a shame to behold after a while.

My humble plea - choose Truth and don’t seek an alternative to it. Deal with the seed of lie before it turns into an over-grown forest of regrets and pains. Come to the Cross quickly for a true rebirth; the Truth Himself is waiting with open arms. 

And remember, truth promotes and projects, falsehood demotes and devalues.

#bornofGod ….whosoever is born of God does not sin…

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