Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Manager and Leaders Should Unite Their Teams

There are a number of management or leadership styles and each or a combination of two or more styles can be applied to address specific situations as required. Democratic, transformational, laissez-faire, etc. are some examples of management and leadership styles. No matter the style(s) that is applied, leaders and managers must demonstrate fairness and integrity and ensure they do not create cracks in the walls of their team or group.

If managers or leaders run a system that supports segregation, favoritism or unhealthy competition, disunity will be the outcome. Any authority figure that acts on hearsay, prejudice or frequent compromise will hamper the spirit of togetherness.

All humans are not created with the same abilities. Some individuals will excel faster than others. Some would have to think long before coming to a decision. A good management or leadership style is to identify this uniqueness of human nature and leverage it to achieve the objectives that are set for the moment.

It is important to note that people observe what managers or leaders do and can see and feel their sense of judgment and decision as authority figures.

Managers and leaders should welcome the opinions of their followers and should avoid sliding into autocracy in presenting their ideas. This approach can steer up the spirit of infighting and disunity among team members.

Communication is a key skill every manager or leader needs. When ideas are properly communicated and there is room for seeking clarity and being heard, the tendency for such ideas to be embraced is high. With embracing a manager or leader's idea, the followers or team members would typically unite to ensure that the idea is actualized.

Managers and leaders are key to building a strong team and fostering unity within their team will be an important task they need to achieve.

Monday, December 30, 2019

There may not be time for waiting

All leaders should able to clearly articulate their vision and direction and seek buy-in and ownership of such vision from their followers. However, in fulfilling some time-sensitive and life-determining responsibilities, there may not enough time for leaders to bring each of their followers on board.

This is because there are instances where some followers may constitute a system of delay or rebellion towards their leaders’ vision, no matter how clearly such vision has been articulated or communicated.

True leaders cannot necessarily delay their moving forward if some individuals are bent on not submitting to such leaders’ direction.

For example, in the Bible, the city of Sodom was to be destroyed and speed would be required for safety. No one would have to look back if they needed to be safe. The instruction and direction were very clear. There was no opportunity to start discussing the divine instruction that was already received, which was not to look back. Someone, however, chose to look back; if the other individual – the leader, in this case looked back, there would have been more casualty.

Also, in the Bible, the Ark, which Noah constructed at God’s instruction, had time to close, some of the animals and humans already settled in it. Those who decided not to enter would not cause the door of the ark to be opened forever – the flood is on its way. The leader had to close the door for the Ark to begin its journey.

Leadership is tough because there are often tough decisions to be made – tough decisions like not waiting for everyone to come on board before moving on.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Do What You’ve Been Sent to Do.

Some days are just discouraging; there are moments when we just want to take a break from everything, including the things we are called to do. On days like these, God somehow reminds us why we cannot stop. For me, one such day was Saturday morning, August 24, 2019.

I would scribble a few words daily on my Facebook page but on this fateful morning, I came to the brink of giving up on this daily task.

I know I had received some instructions on why I should continuously keep up with this routine but the challenges of life that encompassed me about this time were almost subduing me. I didn’t write any word for that morning.

Later that morning, I struggled to attend an earlier-scheduled, out-of-town meeting. Just about when we were prepping to start the meeting, one of the attendees approached me and said:

“I’ve been following your postings on Facebook and they have been helpful. Whenever I am done my quiet time and I am on my way to work, I look at them. They’ve been very encouraging and inspiring. Keep it up, you never know the lives you touch.”

I stared astonishingly at this individual, took a long deep sigh and once I regained my breath, expressed my sincere appreciation to him. The message was very clear to me – I must get back to work and keep doing what I have been asked to do no matter what was going on in my life.

It may be tough but we must not give up. We may be in pain but must not fail to speak words of redemption to those who need to hear them. No matter what life throws at us, we must do what we have been sent to do.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Be Creative; Solve a Problem

A few years ago, I needed a pair of cufflinks for a pink shirt I was wearing to an occasion. I could afford to buy new cufflinks but there were conflicting priorities for the money I had. Looking around the house, I stumbled on a roll of pink thread and from one of my old dress shirts, I plucked out four buttons. Off I went to work on my ‘homemade cufflinks’. In about twenty minutes, a set of ‘new cufflinks’ was ready.

My pink shirt, tucked under a grey blazer and into a dark brown trouser, was graced with my new ‘cufflinks’. My look was elegant and the occasion was a success. I couldn’t be prouder of the outcome.

In life, situations will arise where our creativity will be needed. Our ability to think deeply and broadly would often be required to bring about a change of situation for the better.

Rather than dwelling endlessly on a problem, it's better to focus on finding a solution to it. Every human has the inert capability to think and come up with ideas.

The solution that we need may often come from ‘mixing and matching’ the resources that are already at our disposal. We may not need to spend extra money, bring in external help or travel far and wide to resolve the challenge we have at hand.

Humans are created to solve problems. This is why we exist and this why we are alive.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Private Victory Qualifies for Public Triumph.

Every battle in life is a battle. There is nothing like small battles or big battles. There is a universal opponent and the difference with battles is generally whether they are private or public; whether they are under one’s roof or outside of one’s home.

It’s a mistake to discount the victories one secures in what may appear as 'little battles'. The so-called 'little battles' are the crucibles that build everyone up for the bigger fights ahead.

Needless to say, the battles we win in life determine the titles we have. No Battles, No Titles.

Hence, to be crowned and be celebrated, we should keep building our moral, spiritual, emotional energies from the private battles we engage in. We should fight for our family, job, faith and secure ourselves as well. We will soon have opportunities to knock down the 'Goliaths'.

By killing 'Lions and Bears' in private, we build the confidence and energy necessary to kill the 'Goliaths' in public. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

It’s risky to go after the ‘Whole’.

Recently, I was reading about how an ‘Individual A’ grossly attacked and bad-mouthed a group of people simply because ‘Individual A’ did not agree with the views of an ‘Individual B’, who is a member of this group.

Individual A uttered disparaging words and stopped at nothing to trample on the values and identity of these group of people as a way of getting back to Individual B. To Individual A, everyone and everything around Individual B should be devalued and pulled into a fight of words.

Individual A was on the loose - caution had been thrown into the air.

In and around us, there are a lot ‘Individual As’ who are running around like deadly cannons ready to unload harmful words at a group of people they hardly know or understand. To these ‘Individual As’, their fallouts with or lack of understanding of the ‘Individual Bs’, should carry painful consequences for all that is connected to the ‘Individual Bs’.

Goliath was an example of an ‘Individual A’, who ran Israel down with demeaning words, more so when one ‘Individual B’ – David, showed up in a battle with him and did not meet his expectation of a challenger. David angered Goliath and entire Israel would have to pay for it.

Unfortunately for Goliath, he did not realize that Israel was a ‘part’ of a ‘whole’. The ‘whole’ responded - the God of Israel did not stay quiet and Goliath never had another opportunity to utter any further words.

Attacking the ‘whole’ because of one’s displeasure with a ‘part’ is foolish and unsafe. Denigrating an entire nation, a tribe, a community or a family because of one’s disagreement with a person or a few people is appalling. For example, going after Christianity because of the ‘sin’ of a single Christian is needless and a waste of time. Attacking a nation because of one ‘bad egg’ is immature and a disappointment.

We should learn to take up our issues with the ‘part’ and leave the ‘whole’ out of our disparaging and childish renditions.

It is dangerous if we invite the ‘whole’ to a fight that should only have the ‘part’. We may underestimate the power of the ‘whole’ and thereby bring unnecessary repercussions on ourselves. The strength of the ‘whole’ may overwhelm and suppress us if the ‘whole’ decides to come after us.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

History - for the first time.

History was made yesterday - May 30th at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Canada; it was the first time, in its 73 years of existence, that the NBA finals was played outside of the shores of the United States. 

Toronto Raptors, the only Canadian team in the NBA, made it to the finals. They had initially made history by winning the Eastern Conference finals for the first time ever.

A lot of first times - yes, we are in the days where new records are being set - the days where what used to be impossible are now becoming possible. The days where I believe something good is about to happen to you too for the first time.

Friends, don’t underestimate yourself; don’t undervalue the possibilities that your life can produce. Believe in God and believe in yourself. You can also set new records in your own area of assignment.

Know what you have been called to do and apply yourself diligently and prayerfully to it. 

You may be discouraged sometimes, don’t give in or give up. With God on your side, the world will read your own ‘first-time’ story very soon.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Be proud of what you do.

I was scanning through LinkedIn recently and I stumbled on the profile of a gentleman with the job title ‘Dishwasher at Boston Pizza’. He also listed data management and other skills on his profile.

Dishwasher! I thought for a second. Shortly after, a bright smile slipped through my face. I smiled because I see a man who is not afraid to let the world know what he does for a living. I see a man who sees nothing unprofessional about washing dishes. I see a man who alongside listing his job title, was also bold to state his other technical and transferable skills. I see a man who wants to do more in life.

There is an old saying that ‘there is dignity in labor’ and at the core of this saying is the philosophy that everyone should be proud of what they do once it is legitimate and not destructive to others.

As humans, we pass through phases in life and sometimes to successfully get through these phases, we may have to adapt to a different situation than the one we like or are familiar with. For example, to manage through a tight budget or low income, one may have to shop at a thrift or discount store rather than at a boutique or a large retail store. This ‘shift’ may appear demeaning but may be the only way to get back on one’s feet without being heavily indebted or dependent on others.

Embracing less rewarding or less dignifying opportunities or choices may get one’s ‘foot in the door’ in accessing the next level. Rather than idling away in the name of waiting for the next big break, take what you have for now and run with it. God rewards diligence.

Being thankful, maintaining a good attitude and keeping one’s vision alive will be important in adapting to new phases in life. Staying humble and teachable and remaining uncompromising with one’s will to come out better will also be essential.

Lastly, be proud of what you do and do not be afraid to let the world know about it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Earth is God's

The earth is the Lord's and its fullness. The earth does not belong to us. We should know our boundaries and stop overstepping our reach through negative utterances upon the earth.

The leadership and governance structures in our nations may not be functional and the value placed on human lives may be disappointing, notwithstanding, we should be hopeful, prayerful and of good character.

All nations belong to God and He has a divine mandate for each one, regardless of the challenges each faces.

We should bless not curse; we should pray for peace and prosperity not wish for destruction and doom.

The scriptures enjoins us to pray for the peace of our 'Jerusalem' so we can do well in our land.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Words do grow

Words are seeds; if you plant them enough, you will reap their harvest - good or bad.

Never speak ill of yourself, family, organization, church or nation. Don't join others in doing so too.

If you curse your 'land', you are cursing yourself because you are a part of that 'land'.