Monday, December 30, 2019

There may not be time for waiting

All leaders should able to clearly articulate their vision and direction and seek buy-in and ownership of such vision from their followers. However, in fulfilling some time-sensitive and life-determining responsibilities, there may not enough time for leaders to bring each of their followers on board.

This is because there are instances where some followers may constitute a system of delay or rebellion towards their leaders’ vision, no matter how clearly such vision has been articulated or communicated.

True leaders cannot necessarily delay their moving forward if some individuals are bent on not submitting to such leaders’ direction.

For example, in the Bible, the city of Sodom was to be destroyed and speed would be required for safety. No one would have to look back if they needed to be safe. The instruction and direction were very clear. There was no opportunity to start discussing the divine instruction that was already received, which was not to look back. Someone, however, chose to look back; if the other individual – the leader, in this case looked back, there would have been more casualty.

Also, in the Bible, the Ark, which Noah constructed at God’s instruction, had time to close, some of the animals and humans already settled in it. Those who decided not to enter would not cause the door of the ark to be opened forever – the flood is on its way. The leader had to close the door for the Ark to begin its journey.

Leadership is tough because there are often tough decisions to be made – tough decisions like not waiting for everyone to come on board before moving on.

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