Monday, November 18, 2019

Do What You’ve Been Sent to Do.

Some days are just discouraging; there are moments when we just want to take a break from everything, including the things we are called to do. On days like these, God somehow reminds us why we cannot stop. For me, one such day was Saturday morning, August 24, 2019.

I would scribble a few words daily on my Facebook page but on this fateful morning, I came to the brink of giving up on this daily task.

I know I had received some instructions on why I should continuously keep up with this routine but the challenges of life that encompassed me about this time were almost subduing me. I didn’t write any word for that morning.

Later that morning, I struggled to attend an earlier-scheduled, out-of-town meeting. Just about when we were prepping to start the meeting, one of the attendees approached me and said:

“I’ve been following your postings on Facebook and they have been helpful. Whenever I am done my quiet time and I am on my way to work, I look at them. They’ve been very encouraging and inspiring. Keep it up, you never know the lives you touch.”

I stared astonishingly at this individual, took a long deep sigh and once I regained my breath, expressed my sincere appreciation to him. The message was very clear to me – I must get back to work and keep doing what I have been asked to do no matter what was going on in my life.

It may be tough but we must not give up. We may be in pain but must not fail to speak words of redemption to those who need to hear them. No matter what life throws at us, we must do what we have been sent to do.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Be Creative; Solve a Problem

A few years ago, I needed a pair of cufflinks for a pink shirt I was wearing to an occasion. I could afford to buy new cufflinks but there were conflicting priorities for the money I had. Looking around the house, I stumbled on a roll of pink thread and from one of my old dress shirts, I plucked out four buttons. Off I went to work on my ‘homemade cufflinks’. In about twenty minutes, a set of ‘new cufflinks’ was ready.

My pink shirt, tucked under a grey blazer and into a dark brown trouser, was graced with my new ‘cufflinks’. My look was elegant and the occasion was a success. I couldn’t be prouder of the outcome.

In life, situations will arise where our creativity will be needed. Our ability to think deeply and broadly would often be required to bring about a change of situation for the better.

Rather than dwelling endlessly on a problem, it's better to focus on finding a solution to it. Every human has the inert capability to think and come up with ideas.

The solution that we need may often come from ‘mixing and matching’ the resources that are already at our disposal. We may not need to spend extra money, bring in external help or travel far and wide to resolve the challenge we have at hand.

Humans are created to solve problems. This is why we exist and this why we are alive.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Private Victory Qualifies for Public Triumph.

Every battle in life is a battle. There is nothing like small battles or big battles. There is a universal opponent and the difference with battles is generally whether they are private or public; whether they are under one’s roof or outside of one’s home.

It’s a mistake to discount the victories one secures in what may appear as 'little battles'. The so-called 'little battles' are the crucibles that build everyone up for the bigger fights ahead.

Needless to say, the battles we win in life determine the titles we have. No Battles, No Titles.

Hence, to be crowned and be celebrated, we should keep building our moral, spiritual, emotional energies from the private battles we engage in. We should fight for our family, job, faith and secure ourselves as well. We will soon have opportunities to knock down the 'Goliaths'.

By killing 'Lions and Bears' in private, we build the confidence and energy necessary to kill the 'Goliaths' in public.