Monday, January 2, 2017

Seven by Seven (7 by 7)

7 by 7 is a life strategy espoused by Joseph during his earlier years in Egypt; in the 7 years of abundance, Joseph saved and during the 7 years of lack, he still flourished.

A young man without any known academic pedigree like a PhD in Economics, Joseph deployed the 7 by 7 concept in beefing up Egypt’s GDP and external reserves. Hence, when scarcity and recession showed up, the nation of Egypt became richer.

7 by 7 suggests that life is a cycle and like changes in seasons, one stage is blended into the other.

One argument with this Joseph’s episode has been that he was successful because Pharaoh supported him. Some school of thought hold strongly that success in this instance was guaranteed because there was a top-down buy-in into this strategy.

But wait! You and I have always had the backing of God, a superior and more supportive authority than that of any Pharaoh’s. How could we have the Grand Master of Strategy as our Dad and still complain of having no game plan to our existence. An irony, to say the least!

A new year presents an opportunity to start again; to write on a clean slate. This is our year to get back to the strategy table and let the Baba (Father) of strategy help us out.

Whatever or whoever encourages us to be a waster or a slacker this year is preparing us to be a beggar.

It’s time to optimize our energy, opportunities, talents and overall resources. It’s time for the 7 by 7 strategy.

Happy New Year!

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