Thursday, December 29, 2016

Don’t Pay Back

Loans are generally required to be paid back; favors are often expected to be returned. Some things are however meant not to be paid back when received. One of them is EVIL for EVIL.

The concept of Paying Back is transactional and one of the underlying principles of every transaction is that value must be exchanged for value.

Evil has no value; hence it is not fit to be ‘transacted’.

Every true transaction must leave each participant better and fulfilled. ‘Trading’ evil leaves others in pain and anguish; it is bad business to promote evil.

If for some reasons evil was passed on in the transactions of life, the recipient has one singular assignment to ensure it is eventually forced out of business: overcome it with good.

Goodness is good business and it ensures a profitable existence. It’s the kind of value that should be exchanged, every day and everywhere. In fact, it should be paid back each time it is received.

As much as we wished for a goodness-filled life, unfortunately, there are people who live their own lives as if they have been ’anointed’ to cause pain to others. These are peddlers of rumors, sharers of negativity and custodians of devilish schemes - individuals who run an empire of wickedness and manage an outfit of vilification.

They are wasters of the grace of God and are certainly on a count-down to meet their Waterloo if they do not retract and change.

As with most things in life, we take time to plan before acting. Using our valuable and limited time to plan retaliations and pay backs to those who have hurt us is a waste of time and life. We are to show them a better and higher way to live; we are to exhibit love and forgiveness.

Evil doers are losers anyway; we cannot get even with them and become losers too. We are wiser, stronger and better. We have a mission to fulfill and cannot submit to a lesser way of living.

It is unwise to be a trader of evil. It will ruin our noble enterprise. 

We cannot be a people that pay evil back with evil. Evil, whenever and wherever ‘transferred’, should be received with goodness.

No to EVIL; Yes to GOODNESS!

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