Friday, December 2, 2016

Pay Attention

In the middle of the busy, ‘do it now’, ‘get it now’ and ‘show it forth’ era that we find ourselves, as a people who love God, the tendencies for confusion, deception and misdirection from our assignment strongly exist.

Given we are not necessarily extricated from the imbroglio that characterizes our current existence, we often find ourselves pressured for conformity with the abnormality of our time.

Our desire for inclusiveness and personal relevance in all things social, economic, political etc. results in a compromise of our belief. To justify our stance, we dilute the truth and redefine the gospel.

We become everything to everyone and in every situation possible. We wear all caps – an activist, a feminist, a pluralist until we eventually become a doubter, a hater and we walk away prodigiously from the safety of our call.

One thing is clear, we only flourish in our ‘land’ and like a friend would say jokingly, you cannot be employed in Canada and go to Cambodia to resume work. The names are similar, but the locations are different.

We are not called to tend to other things that are not our preoccupation.

It’s time for us to be focused; to mind our assignment and to avoid crisscrossing into everything.

It’s time to pay attention to our assignment.

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