Friday, December 30, 2016

Tap, Swipe or Insert

Cashless technology is one of the inventions revolutionizing our world today. Payments for goods or services are now easily completed without the use of currency bills or coins.

While biometric authentications like voice, eye or fingerprint recognition as well as contactless mobile wallet systems are at the top end of this cashless revolution, the use payment cards at POSs (Point of Sales) is still the most widely used cashless payment option globally.

Payment cards are often customized, simple to carry around and have in-built capacity for them to be tapped, swiped or inserted into POSs. Sometimes, all that is needed to complete a transaction is for the numbers on a payment card to be punched into payment portals.

In essence, a single card can achieve the same thing using different options.

God, the Master inventor, created man with a lot of capabilities; some are potent, while others may be latent. Every man is loaded with possibilities to achieve results, his/her external environment notwithstanding.

That POSs only allow the option of swiping does not mean payment cards are not designed for more.

Look inward; there are a lot more things you can do to make your life colorful. You have options, don’t get stuck in life. You can do more than you have ever discovered about yourself.

If you having troubles using your payment card, call for assistance. Simply dial 1-800-GOD-Help-Me-Out.

Your life cannot come to a halt simply because one ‘door’ has closed against you. Realize this, at any point in time, like the payment cards; you have more doors/possibilities to actualize your dream.

It’s your season to regain your lost grounds; it’s your time to do more and be celebrated. 

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