Monday, February 20, 2017

Don’t Rush to Market

We are in the days where great ideas are being birthed (reference Joel 2:28). Whether or not these ideas (visions, dreams etc.) will make it to market and stay in the market successfully is a different issue.

To provide some background and clarity, consider the formula: Invention + Commercialization = Innovation.

Invention represents God-inspired ideas; these could be about writing a book, establishing a business, setting up a project, improving a process etc. Commercialization is when the ideas are packaged properly and exchanged appropriately for reward e.g. monetary values. A good idea when commercialized or taken to market becomes an innovation.

Today, our existence rests on the innovations of several men and women around the world, most of whom, were once caged in obscurity but through their tenacity and dexterity broke the chain of servility to become celebrities.

These were men and women who nurtured their ideas well and commercialized them at the appropriate time ensuring they were not too early or too late to the marketplace. Suffice to say therefore that every idea has its particular time.

On the one hand, a good idea when successfully matched to the needs and rewards available in the marketplace in a timely manner can revolutionize the world.  One has to only consider how mobile phones, for example, now incorporate countless functionality into one gadget and are changing how we work, bank, buy, talk, socialize, rest and do most things.

On the other hand, a good idea when rushed to market can result in utter failure; the idea can also be stolen as markets are generally synonymous with idea thieves – pirates, plagiarizers and modifiers, who pay no tributes to the idea owners.

Ideas are God’s investment in us; they should be protected and managed well. The giver of the idea should not be excluded at any time from the execution and commercialization of the idea. The core of the idea i.e. intellectual property as pundits would like to call it should be preserved. A few extra bucks spent in obtaining exclusive rights to ones God’s inspired concept could keep idea marauders at bay.

Again, we are seeing an outpouring of great ideas as divinely programmed. From coast to coast and from the stables of the schooled and the unschooled, mighty thoughts are ensuing which are meant to profit our world.

It’s time to deploy a sound go-to-market strategy in exploiting the benefits of our God-given ideas; one that would not rush half-baked and ill-timed concepts to the market; one that would put God, the source of all ideas at the center of all Invention, Commercialization and Innovation processes.

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